Penile Size Enlargement Reviews

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

What Do Women Value More In The Bedroom? (Bigger Size, More Stamina, Or Perfomance?)

The question of what women truly desire most from us men in the bedroom is one of the most asked questions any man has. Do they value a much bigger penis size? Do they more so desire that you last longer during sex? Or, do they desire that you have great performance in bed that will make her reach mind-blowing orgasms?

Well my friend, in this article here you are going to find out (based off of several studies) what women value more, what women will REALLY respond to, and what you can do to make it all happen.

Okay, let me get straight into it because I know how impatient us men can get when it comes to this topic (lol).

Now, according to several studies, what women respond to most in the bedroom is great performance and stamina (lasting longer in bed). In other words, many women have stated that if a man has a small to average penis size, they are okay with this just as long as they perform well in bed (different sex positions, hitting her G-spot, etc.), and they last longer during sex.

However, these women have went on to say that they of course would prefer if the man not only performed well in bed and is capable of lasting a good while before ejaculating, that they also have an ideal penis size (which is about 7-9 inches long with good thickness and a rock-hard erection).

So, what's the bottom line here?

Well, if you improve your performance with sex, if you extend how long you can last before ejaculating, and if you have a bigger penis size, then you are pretty much going to witness her having some possessed-like orgasms!

How Do You Achieve All Of These Attributes?

1.) Well, sexual performance is something that you have to practice with. The key with improving performance is to know what she likes. Does she like more passionate and romantic love making? Or, does she like animal style, causing scratch marks, and breaking the bed type of love making?

Once you know what she likes, stick with it, get a little creative every now and then, and make sure you put a lot of emphasis on foreplay as well (women LOVE hot and steamy foreplay).

2.) To increase your stamina in bed, you have to have a stronger PC (pubococcygeus) muscle. This muscle is located between your testicles and anus (you'll know where it is if you go to the bathroom and try to stop your urine flow).

When you strengthen this muscle (NATURALLY), what will end up happening is pretty amazing. For one, you'll have more intense orgasms, second, you'll be able to last longer during sex, third, you'll help with increasing blood flow to your penile shaft... which helps in making your penis bigger, and more.

To strengthen this muscle effectively, the best thing to do are natural penis exercises. In a penis exercise program, you'll learn different types of tensing routines to strengthen this muscle significantly.

3.) To get a bigger penis size up to 9 inches long and more girth (plus a rock hard erection), you have to strengthen your PC muscle, enlarge your corpora cavernosa chambers, stimulate your corpus spongiosum chamber, and lengthen the ligament of your penile shaft.

There is only one method that will do everything I just mentioned above effectively, naturally, easily, safely, and quickly. And that would be natural penis exercises.

If you follow a penis exercise program thoroughly, and if you choose the right program, all of those benefits can be yours.

Bottom line, the 2 things that most women truly desire most is good performance and you lasting longer. However, if you factor in NATURALLY making your penis bigger, then I can assure you, you WILL need ear plugs every time you have sex. Don't say I didn't warn you (lol)!

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Advantage exercise program. This award winning program is safe, effective, permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

For more information, click to learn more! WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a weeks time. Providing useful mens health and fitness and wellness articles, writings and reviews online.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Circumcision Prevents Disease Myth Is Debunked and Questions to Ask Yourself

Important Concerns and Lifelong Consequences of Circumcision

It's approximated that 60% of males born in the U.S.A. are circumcised for religious, aesthetic, or traditional reasons, which are deemed medically unnecessary by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Questions that you may want to ask yourself if you're thinking about this surgery for your child: What are my reasons for having the procedure performed on my baby? Is it because of societal or religious expectations? Is there an assumption that it's "natural" or assumed to be the appropriate option? If so, could this belief stem from a misguided parent or partner who has impressed in your mind that circumsing is conventional and advantageous?

Are you apprehensive about describing to your child how to effectively wash his genitals? Are you uncomfortable talking about the subject overall? If the responses to any of these questions are yes, is the choice to circumcise more about you?

After considering your views to these questions, you may want to research the most typical circumcision myth: Circumcision prevents illness.

If a person hasn't resolved their victim-victimizer, survival-based patterns from previous lifetimes, any "dis-ease" can often be traced to traumatizing deaths that will emotionally encourage illnesses regardless of circumcision. Circumcision isn't going to help avoid global sickness. If anything, it is promoting victimization as one's body is breached without conscious approval. Also, it can cause a decrease in penis sensitivity making condoms even less tolerable. There are inconsistent research findings on this subject and claims of illness prevention; however, a study by Norm Cohen debunks many myths. Norm Cohen, Director, The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers of Michigan, writes:

"Circumcision is the only surgery in history ever recommended as a universal means of preventing disease. Nowhere else in medicine is surgery on a healthy organ considered an alternative to proper hygiene. The claim that circumcision prevents AIDS was made on the basis of observational studies of men already circumcised and randomized controlled trials where men underwent a circumcision at the start of the study.

All of the studies attempted to predict what happened on a microscopic level by studying conditions on a macro level, which is far less precise. Researchers were not able to observe exactly when, where, or how each individual got infected. Therefore, a fundamental assumption was made that is possible to draw conclusions about the mode of transmission of HIV by enumerating the success of transmission in specific populations.

[Regarding penile sensitivity and HIV transmission], the most common reason men give for not wearing a condom is that it reduces sensation and pleasure. Circumcised men experience a progressive loss of sensitivity as a result of their circumcision, [which] will only discourage condom use further. [Furthermore], loss of penile skin from circumcision frequently results in tightened, scarred skin on the erect penis.

This eventually increases friction during intercourse, which increases the likelihood of abrasion through which HIV can pass... [Also], circumcision advocates propose to persuade men to be circumcised because it will protect them, and afterwards tell them not to have unprotected sex because it won't protect them. This dangerous [and confusing] message may make many circumcised men worldwide feel that since they are now [supposedly] at decreased risk, they are sufficiently protected without condoms." (Science Fact or Science Fiction: Could Circumcision Really Prevent AIDS? By: Norm Cohen, Director, The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers of Michigan, 08/18/2007.)

In addition, Dr. Guy Madder, a physician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, concludes in the Annals of Family Medicine that there is no proof that circumcision lessens the chance of contracting STD's, bladder tract infections or penis cancer. I don't declare that these research findings or similar ones offer definitive proof that circumcision prevents disease, however, if the choice to circumcise or not to circumcise is being established completely by the assumption that circumcision prevents STD's, one may want to examine these studies further from various resources.

Furthermore, I've discovered that patients with STD's have unresolved experiences of past-life sexual assault, molestation, fatal pregnancies, operations, or traumas to their bodies and can manifest an illness for emotional and psychological closure. Past Life Therapy patients root, subconscious messages that were registered during past-life traumas or illnesses often include negative statements such as "You're nothing," "You're worthless," "You deserve this," "You don't exist," and ultimately "You deserve to die."

This comments coming from outside of someone during a subconscious state such as stressful fatalities confuse the mind into considering these statements as one's own. They can also strengthen a mind-body perception that "I'm not perfect as I am; I'm damaged; I'm not good enough, etc." These limiting values connect to every cell in the body to "act out imperfectly" as the mind includes the complete body, not just the brain. As a result, the mind can conclude both subconsciously and consciously to remain victimized in many ways until the root of these false values are released.

Moreover, AIDS, the greatest victimization, can be reinforced by a subconscious attempt to die as the only way to evade the confusion that has taken over one's life. Circumcision is just another factor in the karmic victimization pattern, which can resume the belief that "there is something wrong with me and this body part." Regardless of one's perception of reincarnation, the fact remains that even though the U.S.A. has more circumcised men than other nations, STD rates are the same or more noticeable than areas where circumcisions are less typical.

For the complete debunking of circumcision myths and the full-text article "Anxiety & Male Sexual Issues Reinforced by Past-Life Traumas & Circumcision", or to learn more about Past Life Therapy, please visit:

I don't proclaim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases. I provide alternative/healing arts treatment that promotes emotional resolution of current problems at their unconscious sources; this may include past lives, prenatal/birth experiences, present-life traumas, operations, etc.

Physicians are required to abide by a Hippocratic Oath to offer safe, moral treatment and avoid causing harm to anyone. The parents and physicians allowing circumcision operations should examine whether these painful, mind-altering, and physically damaging operations are in the best interest of the baby, or if it has more to do with their own unresolved problems.

If it's due to avoiding the subject of teaching a boy how to effectively wash his genitals (which shouldn't be unusual from teaching a girl about menstruation, sexual education, etc.), or if it's from cultural and religious teachings that children should be circumcised, then one may want to examine these values before making a major choice to circumcise their baby boy. This article debunks the most common myth that circumcision prevents illness. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Penis Exercises, Do They Increase Penis Size?

Enhancing your male performance is no longer considered a privilege of X-rated movie stars. Penis enlargement has almost achieved the level of recognition that female breast enlargement has. All in all, a lot of men are now thinking about penis enlargement and no wonder that in the last decade an entire industry has grown to fulfill that need. You are a few internet searches or late night commercials away from the multitude of male enhancement pills, pumps, creams, lotions, oils, patches, stretching devices and other products, with advertising messages promising improved erections, better control and performance in bed and ultimately the added inches to your penis size. The choice seems overwhelming and indeed it is.

In this article I will argue that manual penis exercises are the smart choice when it comes to increasing your penis size.

What are penis exercises?

Basically they are workouts that do not require any devices or dietary supplements. They include such exercises as jelqing (which uses milking-like movements), kegels (contracting and then relaxing pelvic floor muscles repeatedly), stretching and many others.

Penis exercises are a proven method of enhancing male sexual performance. For example, a research paper from 2005 issue of British Journal of Urology has shown that kegel exercises have significant benefits when treating such problems as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Now let's see how penis enlargement exercises compare to other male enhancement methods:

Penis Exercises vs Surgery

Penis Surgery (phalloplasty) is an expensive procedure with a significant risk of complications. A typical surgical treatment is to cut the ligaments connecting the penis to its base so it "falls forward" from the body and appears larger. Needless to say, penis surgery is only recommended in very serious cases of small penis problems, particularly when the patient has a micropenis (less than 2 inches in erect state). In all other cases surgery is generally not a good idea.

Penis Enlargement Exercises vs Pumps

Pumps are one of the oldest penis enlargement devices. A pump is a cylinder which is equipped on the penis and has some way of sucking air out (either manual or a motor of some kind) The vacuum created inside the pump allow the natural pressure inside the penis to expand and produce an erection. Penis pumps can be used to produce erection on demand in individuals with erectile dysfunction, working even in serious cases of ED caused by nerve-damaging trauma, however their effect is short lived. As soon as the pump is taken off the erection subsides so a special compression ring must be maintained around the base of the penis constricting the blood flow out of it. Using pumps for prolonged periods of time may lead to permanent damage. As a result, penis pumps do not provide any kind of permanent positive effect and can only be recommended to individuals with severe impotence.

Penis Enlargement Exercises vs Pills:

Penis pills started to appear back in 1990s after Pfizer invented its famous erection pill Viagra. Fifteen years after their product appeared on the market there are now hundreds of different penis enlargement pills on the market but they all share the same defect: whatever active ingredients they have, it has to make a long way from the stomach to the penis, without damaging your organism or losing its effect. Moreover, there is no way for a penis pill to have any permanent effect on the penis size.


To conclude, exercises are a viable technique of improving male sexual performance and increasing penis size compared to other methods. They have another advantage too -- a good exercise program DVD is cheap! Compared to surgery (easily 10 grand or more) or pills ($300-400 for a year's supply) penis exercises are almost free.

As you can see penis exercises are really the smart choice when it comes to enlarging your penis and increasing your sexual performance. Grab a reputable penis exercise program with videos and thorough explanations such as PenisAdvantage and see the results for yourself. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Make Your Penis Look Longer Without Surgery

Many men want a bigger penis. This is either because they feel that the one they have is smaller than average, or because they just want to have a bigger one than most other men. The principle is not dissimilar to breast enlargement for women. It is true to say that women who have breast enlargement surgery do not always have small breasts, yet is does not stop them seeking out implants that sometimes make their breasts look as though they are about to burst.

The prospect of penis enlargement surgery might not be a tempting option for you. Unless a woman wants to wear a padded bra for evermore, she has to consider surgery. For men who want a bigger penis however, there are a few options. Lets take a look at them here.

You can make your penis look bigger, right now, without spending any money at all. I know this might sound too good to be true, but please bear with me here for a moment. To demonstrate my first tip, start by taking a look at your penis in a large mirror. Ideally a full length mirror is best. Now, if you are looking at a thatch of pubic hair covering your manhood, then removing this is the first step to making your penis look bigger than it is now.

You do not have to shave the pubic hair off altogether if you don't want to. Some say that this gives maximum impact though if you do. At least start by trimming the excess pubic hair, getting it as short as you possibly can. Notice how your penis suddenly starts to look longer. This is simply because more of it can be seen. Consider shaving everything off and then really see the difference.

One word of caution if I may. Be very careful when taking scissors or a razor around your private parts. Make sure you use a mirror and that there is plenty of light in the room. When you have finished you can admire your new longer looking penis, and remember that you achieved this without spending any money at all.

Having got this far, remember to keep the area neatly trimmed ( or shaven if this is your preference ) and this simple exercise should give you a little boost of confidence when it matters most.

So what else can we do if penis enlargement surgery is just too expensive, or not ever an option?. You could consider investing in a penis enlarger. These have been around for a long time and they work on the principle of traction. The device stretches the penis when the traction device is fitted. Most men use these in an evening but there are devices out there claiming that they can be worn comfortably in the daytime. I am not convinced by that argument as they are quite cumbersome and surely noticeable underneath your trousers. You will need to be patient, results do not appear overnight. However, with regular use you should see some improvement after a few months. It is vital that you take accurate measurements at the outset, otherwise you will not know if you are making any progress.

Just how bigger you can increase your penis size with such devices is open to debate. Remember though that you must be realistic with your expectations. I have seen claims of size increases that seem unrealistic to me. Be Patient and you should see some improvement.

So if you want to get a bigger penis without having penis enlargement surgery, then here you have two options. The first option will cost you nothing at all, the second option will cost you money, but less than the cost of penis enlargement surgery.

I have over thirty years experience in the cosmetic surgery industry, mostly as a Senior Manager and Board Director.

If you have any questions about Penis enlargement surgery, or other ways of getting a bigger penis, go to Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Friday, 12 October 2012

How to Last Long In Bed And Have The BEST SEX All Night Long!

Do you want to know how to last long in bed? Here are the proven tactics and secrets to overcome any premature ejaculation problem that you may have to help you last longer in bed.

First, use sex positions that are less stimulating

Certain sex positions are highly stimulating. These positions will speed up your ejaculation. On the other hand, there are sex positions which are less stimulating and can help you to last longer in bed.

If you wonder how to last long in bed, avoid the former and adopt the latter as much as you can.

The most popular low-stimulating sex position is the "cowgirl" position. This is where you have your female partner sit on top of you while having sex. How to last long in bed with this position?

The methodology is actually very simple. With her on top of you, she takes control of the sexual process. You just need to lie down and act as the receiving end. This way, you are able to relax your body and your muscle. When you are relaxed, you are able to focus on your ejaculatory timing and strength. This will enable you to be in control and last longer in bed.

Second, avoid sex position that is highly stimulating

Certain sex positions e.g. standing-up-sex, are highly stimulating and will speed up your ejaculation before you or your partner is ready.

To know how to last long in bed, you must identify sex positions that are highly stimulating which will result in an early ejaculation at your end.

You may identify these positions by experiencing them yourself or learn from the gurus.

Third, change sex positions frequently

Taking a break from thrusting is another effective strategy on how to last long in bed. The few seconds or minutes of break will help to stop the stimulation that you are going through and calm down your body.

Do not undermine the importance of having these breaks. They are important steps to execute if you want to know how to last long in bed.

So, take a break from sex frequently by changing your sex position during sex. That will add minutes to your sex process. Try it and you will understand what I meant.

Fourth, ejaculate before actual sex

One of the simplest answers to the question of "how to last long in bed" is by having an ejaculation before the actual sex. How to do this? Simple - just masturbate and let yourself ejaculate half an hour before your actual sex.

The theory behind this is very simple. After you had your first ejaculation, your second ejaculation would not normally come so soon and you will be able to satisfy your sex partner before ejaculation.

Fifth, masturbate exercise

A right masturbating exercise will help you to last longer in bed in the long run. By masturbating in the right way, you learn how to recognize the sensational feeling right before ejaculation. Once you have recognized the feeling, you would be able to control your ejaculation by stopping at the right time before triggering the point of no return.

What is the right way to masturbate? One of the famous methods is by stroking and stopping.

This is where you stroke and masturbate until you experience the sexual sensation and pleasure that will eventually lead to ejaculation. Right before you ejaculate, stop masturbating.

Repeat the exercise several times before finally letting yourself to ejaculate.

Now that you have some ideas on the techniques available on how to last long in bed, it's time to take action and put them into practice. Once you get it right, you will be able to have the best sex ever all night long!

Pick-up the secrets on how to last long in bed, the strategies which the porn stars do not want you to know! Click Here: Grab your FREE copy of "Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control" worth $97! Click Here:

You may share this article, republish, reproduce it or make it as a source of reference with the condition that the contents of the article and resource box are intact. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Penis Enlargement Methods, Combining Pills and Exercises Work Best

Although not many men will admit it, a lot of them actually aren't very satisfied with their penis size. In fact, most men would rather shy away from this personal subject than talk about it with anyone, even though it really isn't something to be embarrassed about. The truth of the matter is that a lot of men aren't confident with their penis size, so they search for various penis enlargement methods that they can turn to in order to help them out.

Now, it is true that there are a lot of different penis enlargement methods in today's market, but they aren't all the same. Some of them promise to be effective, for example, but don't actually work in the end. So, if you want to try out a certain method to enlarge your penis, the first thing you should do is look for reliable reviews on your product of choice and see how many other men have found it to be successful first.

Penis enlargement pills are some of the most common penis enlargement methods that men try out nowadays, for example. There are a lot of these pills available n today's market, but if you don't read any reviews first, you may end up buying ones that won't work out for you. Remember: you can't always trust what bottles tell you. After all, their marketing tactics encourage them to promise things, even if they do not work. So, before buying any pills, make sure you check their ingredients first.

If you aren't very familiar with medical terminology, then these ingredients might sound strange to you, though. In this case, try to look for reviews that will explain the different ingredients in the pills to you in basic terms. Most of the time, pills used for penis enhancement include herbal extracts, no scientific proof of which suggests that they can actually increase the size of the penis.

So, if you want to get the best results possible in terms of penis enlargement, it would be best to combine two penis enlargement methods at the same time: penis pills and penile exercises. Some exercises may use weights to increase the penis size, while others may just involve stretching the penis.

In general, penile exercises work by increasing the blood flow into the penis and pumping more blood into it. Ideally, you should do some of these exercises regularly to increase your manhood's size faster. A lot of men actually use these manual exercises for penis enlargement and experience fast gains after keeping up with them for a while.

If you are a beginner in this field, then you will be happy to hear that there are various websites online filled with penile exercises that you can try to increase your penis size.

If you want, you can also try out penis extenders, which are known to increase the size of your penis within half a year at most. Although they aren't as safe as regular penis exercises, they are much safer compared to surgical options - that's for sure.

Naturally, you need to understand that none of these penis enlargement methods will help you get a bigger penis overnight. This is simply unlikely. So, if you really want to increase your penis size, you will have to be very patient. Also, make sure to steer clear of companies that claim that they have penis enlargement methods that can help you get a larger penis overnight. There really is only one way to get instant results and that would be through surgery - a method that is very risky and therefore not highly recommended. Plus, surgery can be very expensive and could damage your penis for life.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Should You Use Penis Enlargement Pills?

Penis enlargement pills have always been part of a big debate among men. Due to various reasons, a lot of men like to take pills to enlarge their penises, while others reject the overall idea of increasing their girth and length. If you are interested in knowing what penis enlargement pills have to offer and whether you should use them, then read on for the answers.

Are They Safe?

Since there are hundreds of different penis enlargement pills, you can never really know which ones have the safe ingredients in them just by looking at them. So, if you want to make sure if a certain brand is safe, make sure you find out the ingredients in it first. Ideally, you should look for products that have herbal ingredients in them as opposed to the ones filled with chemical ingredients.

Do They Work?

Penis enlargement pills are known to be an acknowledged way for men to get their desired penis girth and length. A lot of these pills are sold on the Internet, both on official websites and through email scams. Although the majority of these products are fake, there are some of them that really work. The ones that work do so by improving the amount of blood that flows into the penis and expanding the penile cells until they reach a certain width and length. Most pills tend to work better than others when used alongside physical methods like penis exercises, though.

Also, if you want your penis enlargement pills to work, you will need to be patient because it usually takes a while before the desired results kick in. Most of the time, these pills won't show any significant results until after a couple of months have gone by. After those couple of months, the results will become more and more prominent, though. Here is a step-by-step guide on the improvements that you can expect through them:

During the first month, you will notice an increase in your libido and stamina. During the second month, you will see your penis get longer and wider. In fact, you will notice these changes even if you don't have an erection ongoing. During the third month, the effects will be very noticeable and your penis will be stronger and harder during an erection.

Having said that, there are penis enlargement products that really work. Some enlargement pills have even been clinically tested and proven to be effective. However, the best penis enlargement methods to look into would still be the natural ones. As mentioned earlier, pills work better alongside penis exercises and there are various reasons behind this.

Why Try Penis Exercises?

For starters, these exercises are completely natural. This means that you can do them without relying on chemicals or any other unnatural substances to enlarge your penis with them. The best part is that you won't just get a longer and bigger penis by doing exercises with your penis.

Other benefits that you can look forward to with penile exercises include increased stamina, an increased sexual drive, a harder and bigger erection, more intense and stronger orgasms, no premature ejaculations, higher arousal, and staying hard for as long as you want. You are sure to arouse your sex partners better, as well, thanks to your new and improved manhood.

Aside from that, nothing inside of your body will be affected with these exercises and you won't have to go through surgery, either. This might sound too good to be true, but it actually works! In fact, thanks to penis exercises, you won't have to turn to penis enlargement pills just to get the width and girth that you want and deserve anymore.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The Truth About Penis Enlargement Surgery and Why You Should Opt for Natural Methods Instead

There are only three things that men tend to worry about in terms of their physical appearance: their height, their hair, and their penis size. Since hair transplants are currently back in fashion, it comes as no surprise that most men opt for this type of surgery quite often nowadays. Penis enlargement surgery is a very close second, though - even if men won't openly admit it.

Before you decide to go through penis enlargement surgery, though, it would be highly advisable to try other methods of penis enlargement in today's market first. If you go on the World Wide Web, you will see a ton of advertisements for pills, exercises and traction devices, for example, which can all help you out in this department. Believe it or not, these methods don't require any form of surgery, yet tend to be just as effective, though.

Aside from that, you should also find out more about penis enlargement surgery, in general. For starters, penis surgery isn't available on national health services. It is considered to be cosmetic surgery and therefore has to be paid in full by the patient himself. The surgery isn't a very easy one to do, either, and requires flawless skills, especially if the surgery involves making the penis thicker.

On that note, you should know that there are three types of penis enlargement surgery out there: one exists to make the penis longer, and the other to make the wider. The last one exists to make the penis longer and wider. The majority of men who decide to go through this surgery usually choose the third option, so that they can get the best of both words and enhance the look for their penises at the same time.

When it comes to surgery to make the penis longer, the realistic expectations from the results would be an inch of an increase or two. This may not seem like a big difference, but if your penis is only four inches long to begin with, then that would already be quite an achievement. To make the penis longer, the suspensory ligament in the penis will be cut to make it hang lower overall.

When it comes to surgery to make the penis thicker, on the other hand, fat is extracted from a different area, like the stomach, and placed in the penis's shaft. It would be absolutely vital to distribute the fat evenly in this case, though; otherwise, the penis may end up looking ugly, uneven and lumpy.

To avoid this, it would also be vital for you to massage your penis with vaseline after the surgery to make sure it looks even. Also, make sure you don't have sex for about a month and to avoid going to work for a few days after the surgery.

Doctors say that a thicker penis is usually much more important than a longer penis, if your goal is to satisfy your partner sexually. However, having a larger penis won't automatically turn you into a better lover, either - remember that.

Now, if you are taking penis enlargement surgery into consideration, you need to accept all of the complications and risks of this penis enlargement method, as well. Aside from a lumpy and uneven look, there is also the possibility of pain, bruising and infection. Your penis might start angling in one direction when erect, too.

As such, it would be absolutely vital to think long and hard before jumping into penis enlargement surgery. It would also be ideal to talk to your partner about it if you are in a serious and committed relationship. Either way, it would be much safer and just as effective to stick to natural methods of penis enlargement, like penis exercises. Think about it.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Penis Health Creams Reviewed, What Penis Vitamins Can Do and What They Cannot

Daily penis care plays a big role in men's sexual health. Maintaining healthy penis skin can leave the skin smooth, supple and responsive and may boost receptiveness to sexual stimulation. Using the right penis health cream can have long-term benefits and increase sexual pleasure in men of all ages.

However, men who are looking to improve their penis health often find themselves stuck with useless, yet expensive products that do nothing to live up to their advertising claims. Smart consumers should be aware of what to look for in a penis health cream, and they should have realistic expectations about what penis vitamins can do for men's health.

What penis creams can't do:

Although it is tempting to believe claims that vitamins and other ingredients can make the penis longer, thicker, or harder, or that they can make men last longer in bed, the truth is that no cream or vitamin formula currently on the market can do these things. Companies that advertise penis enhancement creams are simply cashing in on a consumer demand that they cannot fulfill.

What penis health creams can do:

The good news is that there are penis vitamins and other nutrients that really provide lasting benefits and can improve sexual satisfaction. With the right ingredients, men can improve the tone and texture of the penile skin, prevent premature aging of the dermal tissue, boost sensitivity, maximize circulation and support the natural healing properties of the skin. By doing so, responsiveness to sexual stimulation is increased, and men can enjoy the more fulfilling sex that accompanies a healthy, youthful penis.

Penis vitamins - ingredients with real benefits

The following vitamins and other nutrients have been shown to improve the overall health of the erogenous skin:

• Vitamin A - Helps to maintain a youthful appearance, speeds healing, and fights bacteria that can cause inflammation, rashes, and foul odors.

• Vitamin B5 - Increases overall healing and works to facilitate penile cell metabolism, an important factor in cellular health.

• Vitamin C - A powerful antioxidant that fights aging, speeds healing, promotes healthy circulation and protects the cells against environmental damage.

• Vitamin D - The so-called "miracle" vitamin that stimulates the body's healing properties, helping to maintain smooth, clear skin and responsive nerve cells.

• Vitamin E - Creates a natural moisture barrier that maintains the penile skin's natural hydration and self-lubricating properties.

• Acetyl-L-Carnitine - An amino acid with protective properties that help to prevent nerve cell damage that can result from vigorous intercourse or masturbation.

• L-Arginine - Another amino acid that is a major factor in circulatory health, helping to relax the blood vessels and allow for healthy oxygenation of the skin and nerve cells.

• Alpha-lipoic Acid - A natural antioxidant that helps to protect the skin cells against oxidation (a process which causes cellular damage and can result in aging, a wrinkled appearance, and even skin cancer).

• Natural moisturizers - Natural moisturizers are recommended over man-made products that can contain skin irritants and other harmful chemicals. While aloe, lanolin and olive oil are generally effective, shea butter is recommended for most men, due to its superior healing properties. In addition, shea butter is appropriate for all skin types.

Which health creams contain all of these penis vitamins, minerals and other ingredients?

In the search for an effective penis health cream that actually lives up to its advertising claims, it was found that most creams on the market are geared toward individuals who are looking for penis enhancement. However, these products do little to live up to their promises. Only one penis health formula - Man1 Man Oil - was discovered to contain all of the vital ingredients described above and to provide real benefits for long-term penis skin health.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Penis Enlargement, Everything You Need to Know

Do you dream of a thicker and bigger penis? If your penis is small by nature, then you don't need to worry about this problem any longer. That's right. You don't have to live with a small penis for the rest of your life! There are actually a lot of different penis enlargement methods out there that you can turn to in order to increase your penis size with ease.

The best part is that, by following the penis enlargement method of your choice, you can increase your penis size and eventually feel much more confident about yourself. Of course, learning how to do this may take some time because there are a lot of methods available in today's market. However, once you find the perfect one for you, it won't take too long for you to see real results - believe it.

Not a lot of men are satisfied with the size of their own penises and would like to increase their sizes right away in order to increase their self-esteem and somehow improve their overall sexual performance. However, you still have to make sure that you choose the perfect penis enlargement method to increase your size naturally. It may be true that there are a lot of penis enlargement methods out there, but they wouldn't all be advisable. Here's why.

Penis pumps, for starters, have never actually been proven effective. Plus, they could cause permanent penis damage if used incorrectly. Some reports have even shown men suffering from blisters because of their penis pumps, so why try something that doesn't even work to begin with?

Penile surgery, on the other hand, is extremely risky and is therefore not advisable for men who value their penises. Even though this method is known to be effective, things don't always work out well and this could turn into the biggest mistake in your life in the end.

As such, the best penis enlargement methods that you could look into would be penis exercises. In a nutshell, these exercises can help increase the flow of blood into your penis and, in turn, increase your penis size with time. How exactly do they do that?

Well, you need to know that they won't work if they aren't performed correctly. So, if you want to see a significant difference in your penis size as soon as possible, you have to make sure that you follow the right exercises the right way. If done right, however, you can look forward to enjoying better erections every time and more confidence in yourself every time you have sex.

If you want, you can also take various health supplements while doing your penis exercises to really make the most out of them. A lot of supplements out there have active ingredients, which can help send more blood into the penis and help with its cell and muscle regeneration. If you take the right supplements, you are sure to see an even bigger change in the size of your penis. You do need to keep in mind that supplements aren't always the same, though, so you have to figure out which ones to consume before you buy any.

Ideally, you should look for supplements with horny goat weed and ginseng in them, both of which can promote better blood circulation in the penis and help with penis enlargement. They are available in capsule form in most local drug stores, but aren't advisable for everyone. So, if you aren't sure if you are safe to take them, talk to your doctor first. Remember: it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Enjoy Your Secret Moments With Your Partner By Using Sex Pills

There is a fear among many people regarding the use of male enhancement drugs to increase their sex quotient. This is mainly due to the fact that there are many such products available in the market which makes claims to bring a 100% solution for sexual problems but ultimately turns out to be fake and also causes many sexual disorders. So it is strictly advised to purchase such products with the proper prescription of a doctor.

Although pills of various companies are available in the market the highly recommended ones are Longinexx, Enzyte, Triverex, Orexis etc. These drugs are a revolutionary discovery and are very effective in solving all the sex oriented problems. They are highly recommended by doctors as they contain natural ingredients like L-Citrulline, Epimedium,, Velvet Bean Tribulus terrestris also known as puncture vine, Panax ginseng, Muira puama, Avena sativa or oat, Epimedium, Zinc oxide, Eurycoma Longifolia, Lepidium meyenii or maca, L-Arginine, Saw palmetto, Ginkgo biloba and other ingredients like titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, Korean Red Ginseng, dicalcium phosphate, cellulose, propylene glycol silicon dioxide gelatin oat fiber and rice bran, hence are fully side effect free.

The disability to not have sex may arise due to several factors. The primary being erectile dysfunction, impotency or other medical factors. As a result of these problems a person cannot have a normal and prolonged erection as the arouse signals generated in the brain cannot be transmitted to the penis. Penis pills increases the blood flow in the penis and thus helps to transmit the arousal signals sent by the brain to the nerve cells in the penis. So one should know that Sex pills can do wonders for anybody as they not only increase the vigor and enthusiasm for prolonged sex but also increases the length and girth of the penis.

Sex pills should be taken well before the sexual intercourse. The results provided by them can be categorized as short term and long term. As short time results the users will able to have a proper erection during the time of the intercourse. But the effect is not for long and after the intercourse is over the erection will also subside. As long term effects the users can feel an increase in length and girth of the penis. They also increases the sperm count and aids in heavy ejaculation of sperms during a sexual intercourse. The pills can also be categorized as herbal and synthetic. The herbal ones are made out of natural ingredients following the knowledge imparted by many generations and the synthetic ones are prepared according to the knowledge gained recently due to the advancement of medical science. So if you are looking to buy the best penis pills you should consult a doctor or take the help of internet to do a thorough research. Remember there are various pills available for different problems. So be sure to buy the one which is most suitable to your need. There are various sites from where you can gather a thorough knowledge about them.

The penis pills that are available are of mainly two types herbal and synthetic. Herbal pills are most recommended as they produce no side effects. Whereas the synthetic pills are prone to cause side effects and are hence prove to be dangerous in some cases. However one should not discard them for that because in most cases they produce fruitful results. The herbal pills are mainly opted as they represent the knowledge and medications of many centuries and are hence trustworthy. The effects of these sex pills can be temporary and should be administered well before the actual sexual intercourse. Mostly they are told to be taken approximately forty minutes before the intercourse. The effects of these pills can be made permanent if their dosage is continued for many months. The effects of long term usage of these drugs are enlargement of penis in length and girth and extra vigor and enthusiasm for having sex.

These penis pills are affordable by all and can be easily purchased from any medicine shop. These pills can even be ordered over the internet. There are many websites that promote these sex pills and also give a 100% money back offer if no improvement is noticed in the given time.

If you want to lose yourself in the world of ecstasy and magic with your partner. Order the best sex pills that are available in the market. Learn more about - erectile dysfunction. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Living With a Small Penis, 3 Steps You Can Take So It Doesn't Ruin Your Entire Life!

I used to have a very small penis. Only 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around. That is well below the average for fully grown men which is 6.5 inches in length. As a result, I had terrible self-confidence that infiltrated many areas of my life both in and out of the bedroom. My work life, personal relationships, and of course my sex life all suffered because I suffered from "little man syndrome." Not wanting to live my entire life in misery, I did some serious introspection and I came up with three ways to break out of my "small penis blues" and not let it ruin my entire life.

If you have a below-average penis size like I did, here are three steps you can take to start turning things around and reclaim the confidence you need to live a happy, successful life.

1. Work on your body! That's right, get buff. To quote a line from magazine fitness ads that used to run back in the 1970s, "Muscle up and make out!" Did you know that male bodybuilders are notorious for having smaller-than-average penises? A lot of people believe that it is due to their steroid use, but this is just flat out wrong. First of all, believe it or not, many bodybuilders do not use steroids. I am one of them. Second, while there is no question at all that steroids are hazardous to your health (this is why they are illegal) it is a complete myth that they have any effect on the size of your penis. Yes, they can atrophy your testicles by flooding your body with excess male hormone and rendering your natural production unnecessary, but they don't affect the size of your penis.

The reason so many bodybuilders are not well endowed is because they weren't well endowed before they got into bodybuilding! In fact, a lot of them got into bodybuilding because they weren't well endowed! It was a way for them to do something to give them confidence with the ladies! It works, too. Bodybuilders may not be known for having big penises, but the ones I know usually have at least one hot girl on their arm! Build your body and you won't worry so much about your penis size -- and neither will a lot of the ladies!

2. Perfect your oral skills! This will give you a massive increase in confidence in the bedroom, which will eventually give you confidence outside the bedroom because you won't be so reticent about approaching hot women. You won't be reticent because you know you have a surefire way to satisfy them! The way I got good at oral sex was pretty simple. I went down on any girl who would let me! It was easy to find girls who would let me because I let them know up front that I did not expect any reciprocation of any kind. If I wasn't able to make them climax quickly and easily, I asked them for honest advice about what I was doing wrong. Most of them were not shy at all about providing that to me. Once you get good at oral, the women you sleep with will gush to their girlfriends about how talented your tongue is instead of laughing with them about how small your penis is!

3. Increase your penis size naturally! The best way to keep your small penis from ruining your life is to not have a small penis anymore! The best step I took to improve my life was to begin using natural exercises to increase the size of my penis and it quickly and permanently became much larger. I did a combination of exercises that focused on both length and girth, as both are important for fully satisfying a woman during sex in their own ways. Best of all, I didn't have to waste any money on pills or other "magic potions," and I started seeing permanent results within two weeks!

If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis FAST, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from a humiliating 5.5 inches to very well endowed: This incredible step-by-step program is 100% GUARANTEED to give you the size you need to satisfy her EVERY time! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Friday, 5 October 2012

PSA, What Does Rising Prostate Specific Antigen Mean?

What is PSA?

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate glands, and is commonly used as a marker for the presence and progression of prostate cancer. The American Cancer Society places prostate cancer as the second leading cause of cancer death in North American men, with about 1 man in 36 dying from the disease. Because of this more and more men are going to their physicians to have their PSA levels tested, in effort to screen for early stages of prostate cancer. PSA is not the most accurate measurement for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, however, and a high PSA test can cause considerable worry and anxiety in men.

Normal PSA

Healthy men produce PSA every single day, as PSA is a protein designed to support liquefaction of semen and the movement of sperm. In the 1990's scientists discovered that cancer cells also produce PSA levels, and as the cancer cells grow and spread, PSA levels also rise to abnormally high levels in the body. From the prostate, where the proteins are produced, PSA moves to other fluids in the body, including semen, urine and blood. Serum blood PSA tests revealing between 4 and 10 ng/mL (nanograms per millilitre) are considered suspicious and possibly a sign of prostate cancer. But despite the widespread use of PSA testing for cancer, studies have shown that high PSA levels is not the most accurate sign of disease.

Problems with PSA Testing

According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, between 10-12% of men tested for cancer using the PSA screening test return a false positive. This is because obesity, cancer, aging, race, prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia and recent ejaculation all increase PSA levels in the body and can confuse the diagnosis. In addition, up to 50% of men with prostate cancer fail to show clinically high PSA levels during screenings. All these factors combined have led physicians to rely on PSA testing less and less. If a man's blood test does reveal high PSA levels, it does not definitively mean that he has cancer, but he should continue to explore the issue further with other types of tests.

Prostate Cancer

While many men die from prostate cancer each year, doctors still regard it as one of the slowest growing of all cancers. So much so, that in the majority of cases, men are completely asymptomatic and have no idea that they have the disease. Depending on the individual case, doctors may recommend that men with mild stages of cancer do not undergo treatment. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy all come with a wide spectrum of negative side effects (loss of hair, poor libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced urinary control, etc), creating distress in men who would be otherwise symptom-free for many decades with just the cancer. Many men explore alternative treatments, such as medicinal Asian mushroom extracts and traditional herbal therapies. Following cancer treatment, levels of PSA should reduce to insignificant numbers. Physicians may recommend that following a curative treatment, men have a PSA test done each year to check for recurrence of cancer.

John Dugan is a health writer who specializes in men's health issues. For additional information on prostate health and prostate cancer, visit: Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Massively Increase the Size of Your Penis With 3 Different Methods

If you want to massively increase the size of your penis you need to know the best methods that work. Equally you need to know what does not work so that you do not waste time or even worse, injure yourself. You may not feel like there is any hope when it comes to making your penis bigger but in fact there are several good ways to do this and you will learn what some of this are. However, I think it is important to define what 'massive' increases are.

If you are 4 inches in size and want to get to 10 inches this is just not possible. When you think about it that is actually a two and a half times increase. While everyone would agree that that is massive growth it needs to be said that it is also unrealistic. So what should be defined as massive gains when it comes to penis growth? If you are four to six inches in length and add on an additional inch you have added on an additional 17 - 25 percent. To add on this amount of percentage increase to any part of your body after you naturally stop growing is massive.

Now you may be disappointed in this but if you know what the truth in when it comes to potential gains it will help manage your expectations. More importantly it will help you from trying to make impossible gains that may end up permanently damaging your penis. This is the last thing you want to do.

Now that you hopefully have a better understanding on what sort of gains are possible here are a few good methods to achieve these massive gains in you penis size.

The best way to do this is by the most natural way possible and that would be by milking or jelqing. This is an exercise you can do using your hand. Basically what this achieves over time if done correctly is helping the blood chambers in your penis to expand. As these chambers expand in size they are able to hold more blood. Since an erection is created by your penis filling up with blood, the more blood your penis chambers can hold the bigger it will be. It is again important to keep in mind that these exercises need to be done properly or you risk injury.

The second way you can massively increase the size of your penis is by taking an all natural penis enlargement pill. Now these pills are some magic formula or fertilizer that adds length or girth. As a matter of fact for most men this is not even a long term solution. What these pills do is help blood flow. With an increase in blood flow it can help engorge the penis with blood making it bigger. It's best to take these pills according to the dosage instructed about 30 minutes before intimacy. If you use these in conjunction with jelqing you may see even better results.

The third way to massively increase the size of your penis is to use a proper penis extender. While these devices may look a bit medieval they can actually have very good results. This is by no means the cheapest method and is not the most discrete but if used properly usually works very well. This device basically works by slowly, and over time, stretching the blood chambers in your penis so they can be filled with more blood very similar to jelqing. As with jelqing this method can see even better results if you are using it in combination with penis pills.

If you are tired of having a small penis be sure to go to to learn how to get the size you want. David O'Donnell has helped educate men around the world on the best methods to increase penis size. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Why Penis Size Is More Important For Guys Now Than Ever, and What You Can Do About It!

Now more than ever, having a bigger than average penis is vitally important not only for a guy's sex life and his success with the ladies, but also for his self-confidence and social standing. There are several reasons for this, which I will go into detail below. I will also reveal what you can do about it if you have a smaller than average penis that is holding you back in different areas of your life.

The average penis size for a guy is 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around. I learned the hard way when I was smaller than average (5.5 inches in length) that penis size is even more important now than it was in our parents' day. Here are the reasons why:

1. Pop culture. For whatever reason, it has become en vogue in recent years to feature penis size as the centerpiece of television shows, movies, and songs. There are several shows running on cable right now that are about well-endowed men, and all of them are receiving excellent ratings and have high viewerships. You can't listen to a top 40 station on the radio for more than 30 minutes or so without hearing several penis size references (some more subtle than others) in hit songs. At the movie theater, raunchy comedies and even more tame PG-13 romantic comedies frequently derive humor from penis size references (and at the expense of men who are less than well-endowed)!

2. Women's liberation. Fifty years ago, it wasn't considered "lady like" for women to state their preferences about penis size outloud, and it especially wasn't deemed acceptable for women to sit around with their girlfriends and compare the sizes of their various partners -- heck, it wasn't even acceptable to have multiple partners back then! Things are very different now. Girls hear from their older friends at a young age how much more pleasurable it is to have sex with guys who are well hung, and as a result, even less experienced women have heightened expectations regarding the penis size of their partners.

3. People have more sex partners now. Whether you like it or not or whether you agree with it or not, waiting until marriage -- or even until you're in a serious relationship -- for sex has become a thing of the past. Women are having multiple partners at a much younger age than before, and what that means if you're small is that there's a very good chance that any woman you sleep with will have experienced larger and much more satisfying men -- and will be underwhelmed with what you bring to the table (or more accurately, the bedroom).

4. The Internet. And with it, increased exposure to adult films. You don't have to rent them from the shady video store anymore! As a result, people are exposed to adult film stars who of course have extremely large penises. Unfortunately, even if you are average (6.5 inches long and 5 inches around), you will seem small in comparison.

So what can you do about it? I was in your shoes, so I can help. Instead of wasting money on pills or other fairy dust, I studied up on natural penis enlargement exercises I could do using just my hands. I incorporated exercises into my routine designed to increase both length and girth, because you need both if you really want to satisfy any woman you sleep with. I performed them religiously for 6-10 minutes daily, and I gained significant size doing so. Within two weeks I began to see my first permanent size gains!

If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis FAST, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from a humiliating 5.5 inches to very well endowed: This incredible step-by-step program is 100% GUARANTEED to give you the size you need to satisfy her EVERY time! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Could There Be a Link Between Erection Problems and Penis Size?

Men worry about their penis. They worry that it is not big enough, that it might not function properly when asked to do so in terms of an erection, and quite often they worry about both at the same time.

Of course, a small penis can just as easily become erect as a large one. Everything functions at the same level, just on a smaller scale. However, when men worry unduly about the size of their penis it can trigger severe anxiety, which in turn can cause erection problems.

Many men worry that their partner is going to ridicule the size of their penis. This concern can directly affect the ability to obtain and sustain an erection when it matters most. This situation is then made worse as the thought of a failure to perform a second time becomes all too much, resulting in another erection failure.

At this point men really do start to worry. They mistakenly believe that there must be something physically wrong, which in most cases of course there is no underlying physical complaint at all. An association with a small penis and an erection problem needs to be addressed. The best place to start is a visit to the family Doctor. Sometimes a little reassurance is all that is needed to cut the link between the worry about penis size and the erection. In most cases the penis is of perfectly normal size. This reassurance alone can go a long way to resolving any problems. Many men have no idea of what is considered normal by society and therefore assume that their penis must be smaller than others.

Sometimes the Doctor will ask for tests to confirm that there are no clinical reasons why there is an inability to obtain or sustain an erection. These investigations may include a series of blood tests and cardiac tests to rule out other disease. If these tests are passed without any complications, then the Doctor could refer his Patient for Counselling to help overcome any issues. Counselling can be of tremendous help in cases where no physical reason can be uncovered.

If it is the size of the penis that is really inhibiting the erection, then this can be addressed with surgery. Penis enlargement surgery should not be entered into lightly. In the United Kingdom there are very few penis enlargement surgeons and it is always a good idea to have a chat with the family Doctor in the first instance and get his advice before proceeding with anything. If the concern is the size of the penis when erect, then it follows that impotence could result from the fear of the penis looking too small in its erect state.

Any case of impotence should be investigated. If it has occurred because of too much drink beforehand, or other medication affecting the erection, then this is understandable. However, it is important to remember that the inability to obtain or sustain an erection could be an indication of some other medical problem. Typically, men are reluctant to seek help and advice from their family Doctor. They put off problems until they simply cannot be ignored anymore. Problems with erections should not be left undiagnosed.

Lastly, and most importantly, erection problems should be discussed openly with the partner. It is at times like these that men need total support from their partners. This support can be critical in helping to overcome the problem. Perhaps the worst thing that a partner can do is apply pressure to perform at a time when clearly it is not going to happen. The inability to obtain or sustain an erection can be a clinical problem, and the fear of having a small penis can be a major concern for men. This needs to be appreciated by partners and help and understanding maybe the best medicine of all.

I have over thirty years experience in the cosmetic surgery industry, mostly as a Senior Manager and Board Director. If you have any questions about Penis enlargement surgery, or other ways of getting a bigger penis, go to Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Increase Your Penis Size and Improve Your Confidence

Having a smaller then average penis can have a huge impact on your confidence. Not only can your confidence be affected in your everyday life but most importantly when you would like to hook up with someone. Your fear of what they will do or think when they see how small you are can stop you from even approaching a girl.

There are ways to increase your penis size but it is important to keep in mind that there is no method that will work overnight. Anything that you see that claims to give quick or instant results is advised to stay away from. After all, you are increasing the size of part of your body these things take time.

Think of it this way, if you wanted to increase the size of your biceps or chest muscles it would take time to achieve the results you wanted. Now while your penis is not a muscle and doesn't grow like a muscle it still takes time to change the physical size of your penis. If you are willing to put in the time and keep consistent with good penis exercises you will begin to see a fuller larger penis.

So you may be asking what types of things you can do to make yourself bigger then you are now. Well the best ways to do this are the natural ways and the one of the top ones is something called jelqing. This is basically an exercise you can do that will increase the amount of blood that the compartments in your penis can hold.

You need to make sure that you do not over do this over it will strain your penis and you'll have to wait to continue these exercises until you heal up. The great thing about this though is that you will start noticing some small differences within a few weeks and as you continue to do these you will see noticeable differences.

Throughout this whole process hopefully your confidence will be growing in size as well. If you need a bit of a boost in the meantime you can always try using a natural penis pill in conjunction with jelqing. While the pills themselves don't make your penis grow they do help increase blood flow which can help with filling up the chambers in your penis maximizing the size that you currently are. Just make sure that you take the pills according to their directions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a person isn't going to like you for how big you are. I know that your size can affect your confidence but even if you had the largest penis in the world doesn't mean that you could pick up anyone you wanted. At the end of the day you need to be confidant in who you are as a person. Your confidence will do more good for you than you will ever know. While having a larger penis may help increase your confidence do not let it be the source of your confidence.

So what else can you do to help increase the size of your penis? Well a temporary measure you can do until you get the results you want with the exercises is to use a penis ring. Again, you need to follow the instructions and not use it for too long. However, if you use it properly it will help engorge your penis with blood making it a bit bigger while helping you maintain an erection. As you continue the exercises you can still continue using a ring but you may not want to anymore as your penis should be increasing in size.

If you are tired of having a small penis be sure to go to to learn how to get the size you want.

David O'Donnell has helped educate men around the world on the best methods to increase penis size. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

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