Having a smaller then average penis can have a huge impact on your confidence. Not only can your confidence be affected in your everyday life but most importantly when you would like to hook up with someone. Your fear of what they will do or think when they see how small you are can stop you from even approaching a girl.
There are ways to increase your penis size but it is important to keep in mind that there is no method that will work overnight. Anything that you see that claims to give quick or instant results is advised to stay away from. After all, you are increasing the size of part of your body these things take time.
Think of it this way, if you wanted to increase the size of your biceps or chest muscles it would take time to achieve the results you wanted. Now while your penis is not a muscle and doesn't grow like a muscle it still takes time to change the physical size of your penis. If you are willing to put in the time and keep consistent with good penis exercises you will begin to see a fuller larger penis.
So you may be asking what types of things you can do to make yourself bigger then you are now. Well the best ways to do this are the natural ways and the one of the top ones is something called jelqing. This is basically an exercise you can do that will increase the amount of blood that the compartments in your penis can hold.
You need to make sure that you do not over do this over it will strain your penis and you'll have to wait to continue these exercises until you heal up. The great thing about this though is that you will start noticing some small differences within a few weeks and as you continue to do these you will see noticeable differences.
Throughout this whole process hopefully your confidence will be growing in size as well. If you need a bit of a boost in the meantime you can always try using a natural penis pill in conjunction with jelqing. While the pills themselves don't make your penis grow they do help increase blood flow which can help with filling up the chambers in your penis maximizing the size that you currently are. Just make sure that you take the pills according to their directions.
Another thing to keep in mind is that a person isn't going to like you for how big you are. I know that your size can affect your confidence but even if you had the largest penis in the world doesn't mean that you could pick up anyone you wanted. At the end of the day you need to be confidant in who you are as a person. Your confidence will do more good for you than you will ever know. While having a larger penis may help increase your confidence do not let it be the source of your confidence.
So what else can you do to help increase the size of your penis? Well a temporary measure you can do until you get the results you want with the exercises is to use a penis ring. Again, you need to follow the instructions and not use it for too long. However, if you use it properly it will help engorge your penis with blood making it a bit bigger while helping you maintain an erection. As you continue the exercises you can still continue using a ring but you may not want to anymore as your penis should be increasing in size.
If you are tired of having a small penis be sure to go to betterpenisgrowth.com to learn how to get the size you want.
David O'Donnell has helped educate men around the world on the best methods to increase penis size. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.
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